Sharing our Learning with Families

At Styal Primary School, we believe it is essential to develop strong partnerships with home if our children are to achieve their full potential. Parents / carers and school working together as partners can only increase pupil achievement and help to develop positive attitudes about self and school.

We make every effort to ensure parents / carers are well informed about their children's progress.

Parents can expect:

  • Two parent consultations (individual meetings with your child's class teacher) in the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss progress and attainment.
  • An appointment can also be arranged at the end of the Summer term to discuss End of Year Reports.
  • An annual written report on children's progress and attainment.
  • Year 2 and Year 6 parents receive information on SATs test performance (Standard Assessment tests).
  • Outcomes Mornings each term - we invite families to take part in activities around a specific area of the curriculum so they can find out how their children learn at school.
  • Termly Open mornings - families are invited into school for an informal visit to classes. The visitors get to see learning in children's books, on Learning Walls and have a chance to speak to teachers.
  • Suggested quality texts for their children to read. This is shared on the website in each of the class pages (Bookflix).
  • Curriculum information for subjects via the 'Curriculum' tab on the website.

Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280


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