Parent Council
The Parent Council was formed several years ago. The objectives of the Parent Council are to promote the partnership between school and parents and to identify and represent the views of parents. It has been of great success so far. How to share a concern or a well done: speak to your class rep or email Mrs Jones on
If a concern is raised with a parent representative then it will be discussed at a future parent council meeting. The Teacher Facilitator will provide information around issues or will refer items for action to discuss with the Headteacher. Parent council representatives will then feed back to individuals who raised issues. The Teacher Facilitator will update this page so that parents can see which issues discussed were of specific interest and see any actions that have been taken as a result of the discussion. Please note that issues which specifically arise relating to your own child should be addressed with their class teacher. Anything relating to fundraising should be raised with a member of Parents of Styal.
Each year group has a parent representative who collates other parents' views and attends a termly parent council meeting to discuss those issues.
Parent Council Representatives 2023 - 24
Reception – Jacob's mum
Yr1 – Isla's mum
Yr 2 – vacancy
Yr 3 – Robin's mum
Yr4 – vacancy
Yr5 – Preston's mum
Yr6 - Joads mum
Yr 6 – Vacancy