This week in Year 3 and 4 ...
Date: 29th Mar 2019 @ 2:02pm
Year 3 and 4 have had a lovely end to a busy week today.
We joined Year 5 and participated in a parade from the green next to school, down to the mill, holding banners protesting for Children's Rights. The parade ended on the meadow where we enjoyed a cookie and a juice and then performed 2 of our favourite songs from the Music Festival to the crowd.
The children were all a credit to the school and the teachers were extremely proud of them!
As Writers this week Year 3 and 4 have produced their own stories based on our class text 'The Clockwork Dragon'. The standard of wrtiting has been exceptional and the children are going to publish their work in their own book for our class library.
As Mathematicians we have been learning to divide 2 digit numbers using various written methods! Some of these methods have been particularly challenging however the children have all persevered in their learning which has been wonderful to see!
Next week is our final week of the Spring term and we have LOTS planned!
Enjoy your weekend,
From everyone in Year 3 and 4 :) !