This week in Year 3 and 4 ...
Date: 15th Mar 2019 @ 1:49pm
What a lot of tired children we have this week, following a late night at Wilmslow Leisure Centre on Wednesday, representing our school with pride!
On Wednesday 13th March children from Years 3, 4 and 5 ventured out to soulfully and stylishly represent Styal Primary School at the Wilmslow Music Festival. The children all had a fabulous time and lots of fun, singing and dancing to a selection of songs that they have learnt over the last term.
"It was amazing!" - Adam
"It was a great experience!" - Eva
"I loved it!" - Sammy
"We had such a laugh!" - Chloe
"It was exhausting!" - Charlie
"It was mindblowing!" - Ollie
In Literacy we have been focussing our learning around a new class text 'The Clockwork Dragon' - we have mapped out the text, created a retell, and summarised the key parts in a boxed up plan.
In Maths this week we have been learning to multiply using a written method, some children have found this rather challenging, whilst others have flourished as mathematicians.
Overall a splendid week, with lots of laughs and smiles!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone - From all of Year 3 and 4 :)