This week in Year 3 and 4 ...
Date: 15th Feb 2019 @ 11:57am
What a wonderful week we have had this week! Starting with some guts and gorey, learning all about the Justice System during the Viking period! The children were shocked but very amused to learn of the punishments given for crimes!
We have continued with our learning in Literacy based around our class text ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ and even ended the week watching the original film. The children watched in admiration, seeing their favourite characters come to life.
As mathematicians we have continued to focus on multiplication and division, only this week using our 8 times table with some children extending this to their 16s, 80s and even 0.8s! Wowzers!!!
What a truly fabulous half term!
Have a lovely well deserved break everyone!
From all of Year 3 and 4 :)