This week in Year 3 and 4 ...
Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 4:20pm
Our week has been action packed inside and outside of the classroom. This week we have been using the information from our Literacy text "How To Train Your Dragon" to create our own top trump card for the Deaded Sea Dragon, describing the dragon and using anacdotes from within the text to score how fierce and disobedient he is.
As Mathematicians we have been learning to multiply and divide, at the start of the week, some of us were finding this a bit tricky but by today we have all blown Miss Yardley away with our ability to reason and problem solve using multiplication and division.
We have been learning about the Anglo-Saxon Kings and had a debate about who we thought was the greatest ruler based on our newly learnt knowledge.
In Forest School we were making Viking weapons such as bows and arrows and spears! We also enjoyed toasting marshmallows over our campfire and making delicious smores!
A fabulous week all round, with lots of fun and learning planned for next week!
Year 3 and 4 :)