Personal Development

Personal Development is at the heart of the Styal Primary School learning journey. It is the backbone to our curriculum and is reflected in our school values.

At Styal, our children are:

  • Resilient
  • Unique
  • Confident
  • Kind
  • Safe
  • Ambitious
  • Caring
  • Knowledgeable

Personal Development develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. We understand the crucial role our school plays in helping children to prepare for their adult lives so they can go on to engage positively in society.

We teach Personal Development in a variety of ways:

  • Discrete lessons - PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), RSE (Relationship and Sex Education)
  • Cross curricular links such as in PE (supporting children to keep physically and mentally healthy), RE (celebrating different cultures and religions) and MFL (celebrating different languages - European Day of Languages and Bastille Day)
  • Through Forest School - building character traits such as resilience, teamwork, respect and problem solving
  • On-line safety lessons in Computing - pupils should recognise on-line and off-line risks to their wellbeing and know the support available to them
  • Visitors talking to us about first aid, road safety, fire safety
  • Educational visits - especially our History, Geography and Science work with Quarry Bank Mill
  • Assemblies - supporting children to develop character traits linked to our school values
  • Promoting Fundamental British Values
  • The promotion of equality and the protected characteristics - including Odd Socks Day
  • Through the work of our EHWB Team (Emotional Health and Wellbeing) - promotion of good mental health
  • Celebrating positive learning attributes with our weekly Styal Star certificates, the Mrs Boardman's Award and sharing all this with our parents on the weekly newsletter
  • Celebrating kindness with our weekly RAK Awards (Random Acts of Kindness)
  • Extra-curricular clubs - enabling children to develop and discover their interests and talents
  • Pupils as leaders - School Council, ECO Gang (also supporting global issues), Games Makers, House Captains, Buddies, Wellbeing Champions
  • Adventurous activities on our residential visits
  • Aspirations week - raising pupils' aspirations and ambitions
  • Learning about financial management - Year 5 / 6's Grow a Pound initiative
  • Being actively involved in the local community - Remembrance Day at the local cenotaph, utilising links with local churches, litter picking and working with Quarry Bank Mill
  • Supporting charities such as the Macmillan Coffee Morning, taking part in the Reindeer Dash for our local Cheshire East Hospice, donating harvest foods to the local food bank
  • Children's celebration of Music and Drama - Nativity, KS1 Christmas Production, Year 5 / 6's End of Year Production
  • Celebrating important times in the community - Jubilee Celebrations

Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital is about further enriching our children's lives through knowledge, skills and opportunities.

We believe that when children and families' cultures are valued, both the children's experience of learning and progress can benefit. Cultural Capital gives power. It helps children achieve goals, become successful and rise up the social ladder without necessarily having wealth or financial capital.

Through the various ways in which we teach 'personal development' at Styal, we hope to enrich the lives of our children so that these exeriences contribute towards their success in society, the world of work and as global citizens.


Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280


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