End of week 3 September 22nd

Date: 24th Sep 2017 @ 3:09pm

End of week 3 September 22nd

First of all a huge well done to all the class in walking out of class at the end of day independently!  They have done this very sensibly, and when someone has not been there they have remembered to come back into class.  During Forest school the Year 3's have created some beautiful natural prints that will soon be on display (Year 4's will do this in the next half term).

Friday saw our first entry in our 'Write to Shine' books - we have enjoyed reading the wonderful autobiographies.

Next week the class will begin work on reading and writing in a persuasive style as well as  continuing our Maths work on adding and subtracting.  On Tuesday the whole school celebrates European Language Day and our country of interest will be Spain.   

Stars of the week: 

Y4  Daisy for excellent control in balance work during PE  

Y3 Olliver Hartley for his extra hard work in all lessons

Trip - the children are very excited about our up and coming trip to the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester to take part in a work shop linked to our learning in Science (in the last week of the half term).  We are just finalising the details so keep a look out for a letter in the book bags shortly.


Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280

Email: admin@styal.cheshire.sch.uk

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